Sunday, October 7, 2012

Top 5 things we're going to miss about the D.R.

So Josh and I decided that in effort to help us process leaving we are going to post four blogs each being a “top 5…” list of some sort. Today’s list is the top 5 things we are going to miss about the D.R.


1.      The Lifestyle.

·         It’s super relaxed here (Dominican people are non-crisis people)

·         It’s a very worry free and stress free place

·         Flexible

·         Easy going

·         Relationship oriented

2.      Importance of relationships

·         America is a task focused culture, while here the focus is placed on relationships first. At times it can be a little frustrating as it can take a really long time to get something done, but we have enjoyed this aspect of the culture.

3.      Weather

·         Being in a sunny place is so great!  Waking up in the morning to sun every morning is so motivating. We love sitting on the porch, lying in the hammock, and going to the river and beach. We can always count on the sun!

4.      Being in a community of like-minded people

·         There is something very special about daily being surrounded by people who share the same vision and calling in life. And we all understand one another because we’re all journeying together with the same organization. And for the Americans that are with SI, we all “get each other” and the changes, sacrifices, and challenges that we face being here.

5.      Unique opportunity to minister to Americans in another culture

·         Ministering to Americans while being in the D.R. is a very special opportunity. We can have conversations about things here while only knowing one another for a very short period of time, where to have the same conversation in the states would take months and months if not years to have.

·         Being abroad on missions trips has a way of allowing a person to open up and become vulnerable, therefore allowing for awesome conversations and life changes

1 comment:

utown said...

Your number 4 is probably the thing that we noticed the most once we arrived here. It is just so hard to communicate to people that done "get it" and EVERYONE here does. God is so good.